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14 august 2017
Manolo Blahnik: court shoes for everyone

Special offer for seasonal colors of classic pumps - the iconic Manolo Blahnik BB and Manolo Blahnik BBR with a round nose and a more strict square heel in Manolo Blahnik boutique in GUM.
The shoes of the most urgent spring and summer shades like powder pink, mint green, lavender & lemon-yellow can be purchased at 30% discount.
"Classic BB and BBR pumps are the bestsellers for several years in a row, and the love for this model grows constantly among girls. Undoubtedly, these are the shoes that every woman must have in her wardrobe. Elegant & laconic - they fit absolutely everything from dresses to trousers. You can buy them now and get trendy shoes out of the wardrobe in 15 years ", - Manolo Blanik says.
See you at Manolo Blahnik in GUM!  

14 august
Manolo Blahnik: court shoes for everyone

Special offer for seasonal colors of classic pumps - the iconic Manolo Blahnik BB and Manolo Blahnik BBR with a round nose and a more strict square heel in Manolo Blahnik boutique in GUM.
The shoes of the most urgent spring and summer shades like powder pink, mint green, lavender & lemon-yellow can be purchased at 30% discount.
"Classic BB and BBR pumps are the bestsellers for several years in a row, and the love for this model grows constantly among girls. Undoubtedly, these are the shoes that every woman must have in her wardrobe. Elegant & laconic - they fit absolutely everything from dresses to trousers. You can buy them now and get trendy shoes out of the wardrobe in 15 years ", - Manolo Blanik says.
See you at Manolo Blahnik in GUM!  

109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru